Monday, May 3, 2010

Life is Beautiful!

Its been a long time opening my blog to put up a new post ! The reason behind that is the work (really cant say it is) that im doing currently!! Also I was frustrated in this(corporate) life bcoz of ppl around me!! Being Selfish is not a big fault bcoz most of the ppl in this world are selfish BUT embrassing and making fool of others for their selfishness is a Sin! Yeah i have been stalked and demotivated a lot ! Damn .. I couldnt control my feelings ! Lot of transformation in my chracter! Thats were i lost my originality ! Its been a true fact that Practice makes ppl perfect! I didnt got an oppurtinity to groom technically but i got lot of experiences in (public & corporate) life !

But thank god i have a good friend and a good family who keeps me alive always by supporting me and cheering me up!

Today I saw one of my friends blog ( who is in japan right now. Its a nice blog. He had shared his experiences in Japan and his general opinions. Thatz inspired me to write this blog !
Also that motivated me to take a pledge that I will also write a similar post with my experiences in abroad!! I took it in a positive way and as inspiration!
I told to myself Harish ! dont give up ! Though you wont change as a fox Dont be a goat in this corp world!!
There are lots of beautiful things around us. It's just a matter of how we see it and whether we're able to realize it. Just ignore the things which make you worry and take things lightly and try to be happy !!! Have a Smile always in your face!! In life, of course there are always some ups and downs. However, I believe, that even in the most difficult situation, there's always a beautiful thing.. As wise people say, "Everything happens for a reason". Enjoy! :)



Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...

Hey thanks a lot for that gesture man. You hav got a good blog-space out here. I like your NEVER GIVE UP attitude.
Be the same man...
All the best.


Harish Kumar said...

Thanx dude :-)